December 1, 2014

PIAP GRYF® is a robot used for reconnaissance of terrain and hard to reach places. The manipulator with 5 degrees of freedom allows to lift loads weighing up to 15 kg. Robot’s wheels can easily be removed, which reduces the dimensions of the robot and thus facilitates missions in tight spaces. WWW.FRAGOUTMAG.COM

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WB Group Flytronic SkyRANGER #1
WB Group Flytronic SkyRANGER #1

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Frag Out! FULL AUTO MSBS MSBS-5,56 Next Gen Assault Rifle & Surefire 60 Round Mag
Frag Out! FULL AUTO MSBS MSBS-5,56 Next Gen Assault Rifle & Surefire 60 Round Mag

www.fragoutmag.com - Frag Out! Magazine FB Radom MSBS-5,56 Assault Rifle & Surefire 60 Round Mag going FUL...