Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #20

Frag Out! Magazine

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D evelopment of multi-terrain pattern is always a com- promise between different types of camouflage that will provide adequate concealment of the operators against various backgrounds of different terrains. An even more complex task is to develop a pattern which will provide sustain- able concealment over different distances within certain type of terrain and will not become a one-color spot, turning the fighter into an easy target. Seeing how many variables need to be taken into consid- eration, the most important question is, how to develop a one-for-all camouflage? This question was on the mind of Igors Sitvjenkins from the moment he joined the Army in 1997. He started with designing an innovative layering system for his fellow soldiers. After 15 years as an officer, having worked with NATO groups and coop- erated with top military brands from soldier systems sector, he decided to start his own business: Sole Source and look into the camouflage issue in a more scientific way. The mix of scientific thinking, military experience and passion for the perfect camouflage resulted in a book called BOOS – "Book of operational sculpturing", where Igors team established system requirements for all the products they developed. The book became the base for identification and understanding of customer requirements – a unique and innovative approach towards satisfying the customer with most adequate product choices. BOOS also includes details behind the creation of the new camouflage pattern called TripleX and has become the base for all products designed and sold by Igors and his part- ners' new brand, 3rd Alternative. TripleX multi-terrain camouflage pattern has been developed based on 7 years of thorough research. The goal was to cre- ate a universal pattern provid- ing concealment in three main operational terrains – wood- land, urban and mountainous, while also fit for the transition- al terrains. The biggest challenge pre- sented itself in the actual camouflage color and contrast that helps to blend into the forest areas and mountainous terrain. Since camouflage is most effective at distances of above 50 m, the main focus was on the right colors of pattern elements. TripleX camouflage colors and their interaction truly allow for a multi-terrain coverage. The next factor was the shape, size and ratio of pattern elements. In TripleX a mix of elements with dif- ferent colors is used: dominate greenish triplex element with star size 1.4 cm, brown triplex element with star size 1.4 cm, khaki triplex element with star size 0.8 cm and grey triplex element with star size 0.8 cm. Research shows that shapes in the range of 0.8-1.4 cm provide the best blend-in capability in different ter- rain, while not turning the pattern into a one spot color. TripleX is based on Euclid's geometrical element that allows to shape it in different irregular forms and build a pattern that has horizontal and vertical lines. This way, it blends into nature or urban environment while keeping it digital, with the ability to converge with surrounding elements and light. RESEARCH HAS SHOWN THAT THE ELEMENTS WITH A SIZE IN THE RANGE OF 8-14 MM PROVIDE THE MOST EFFECTIVE BLUR IN VARIED TERRAIN AND THEY DO NOT BLEND IN A MONOLITHIC STAIN. TripleX pattern - closer look. ROCK jacket ventila- tion laser cut holes UNIFORMS

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