Captain (O-5, Polish "komandor")
Józef Rembisz was born in 1930 in Górno
village in south-eastern Poland. His military
career started in 1948. He attended the Infan-
try Officers School and after graduation start-
ed his service in the Navy. In 1952-1955 he was
studying at Akademia Sztabu Generalnego (Gen-
eral Staff Academy). After graduation he was
delegated to the Navy Headquarters.
Captain Rembisz was a passionate diver. In a
2012 dated interview he mentioned "I've al-
ways been curious how it is underwater so I've
bought a mask and fins". He joined the divers
club and participated in multiple sport challeng-
es. He took part in surveying of "Miedziowiec"
wreck from 15th century. He was publishing ar-
ticles in military magazines regarding the use of
divers in warfare. In 1973 he was appointed as
a chief of the combat divers research team that
was established in Navy HQ.
The conceptual works about naval special war-
fare units were launched because of the vision of
the cold war conflict where the Polish navy was
preparing for the invasion in Western Europe.
The sea landing required precise reconnaissance
of the coast, including the underwater surveys
of the sea bottom, natural and manmade ob-
stacles (such as minefields and counter-landing