Frag Out! Magazine
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The increased weight forced the designers to change the suspension and the drivetrain layout. Suspension support bar, driveshafts, wheel hubs and individual suspension all underwent redesign and reinforcement. The most important change is the new ZF Ecolife automatic transmission coupled with R6 Scania DC13 turbocharged 12.7 l motor pro- ducing 612 HP at 2100 RPM. The powerpack produc- es up to 2140 Nm of torque at 1600 RPM. Also, a peacetime HP/Torque limiter has been imple- mented, to extend the engine lifetime. The ZF gear- box is controlled electronically via a CAN bus, with 7 gears and a torque lock. It offers two reverse gears, and a power take-off extension coupled with the hydraulic pump. Everything comes in a form of a power-pack that also features the Ametek 450 kW cooling system. The drivetrain and the brakes are identical to the ones used in Rosomak, with relevant reinforcement implemented to accommodate for the higher power output and loads. The same ap- plies to suspension and steering - these solutions have been, after relevant reinforcement, trans- ferred from AMV. So far - they have formed a fairly proven package. The power supply system, mean- while, has been heavily modified, due to the higher power load and increased energy absorption on the part of the components installed on the vehicle. As a result of the above, a 350A (optionally - 550A) VEHICLES