Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #34

Frag Out! Magazine

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sequential lack of options for financing the Miecznik and Czap- la undertakings. This led to a closure of the initiative. Instead, a decision was made to procure gap-filler surface combatants - second-hand Adelaide-class frigates from Australia. Adelaide The plan to procure two second-hand Adelaide-class frigates from Australia seemed to be a good solution, given the budget- ary constraints that have been pushing the prospect of procur- ing brand new escort vessels away. The upgraded Australian vessels seemed to be an attractive alternative option here. The Polish sailors could potentially get acquainted with modern ar- mament (such as ESSM or SM-2 anti-aircraft missiles) that the well-known platform (modernized OHP class) carried. Negotia- tion on procurement was launched in 2016. After series of study minehunter/patrol vessel project based on a hull of a multi-role corvette. After the Analytical-Conceptual Phase came to an end in June 2015, the procurement procedure was launched, indicating the PGZ Group as the key contractor - along with its SMW ship- building facility (Stocznia Marynarki Wojennej, Polish Navy Ship- yard). The program was short-lived. It was canceled a year later, in September 2016. The Polish MoD officially justified its deci- sion bringing up the necessity to re-analyze the emergence of the "Basic National Security Interest" [PIBP] in the procedure. The aforesaid reason is frequently used as a legal master key allowing for hassle-free closure of an ongoing procurement pro- cess, without a need to clarify the reasons behind the decision as such. However, one of the main reasons here stemmed from the implementation of other modernization programs and a con- NAVY

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