Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #38

Frag Out! Magazine

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Silynx is a U.S.-based electronic hearing protection and communication systems company. Its products have been used for years in the military and law enforcement services around the world. Their best-known system was the C4OPS, which supported even up to 4 signal sources, but it was time to replace it with something more compact and definitely more advanced. Silynx Silynx In addition to the obvious reason, i.e. bulk and weight, a significant one for further development was the emerging competition in the communications and hearing protection systems - smaller and more convenient solutions were already available, and the 2000's dated C4OPS, was simply an outdated clunker, although it still lived up to its name. Today, SIlynx's core offering has been simplified. Older models have been phased out, and it has been decided to keep the two most important types: the compact Clarus series, which works with up to two external devices/comms channels, and the Fortis series, which has replaced the C4OPS and Optimus systems, chosen by users looking to use more devices. TEXT AND PHOTOS: FRAG OUT! Team

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