Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #40

Frag Out! Magazine

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ready for a war of such intensity. The losses, ever since the beginning of the invasion, include 700 - 2,700 guns and rocket launchers. And that does not depict the core of the matter. Numerous guns were decommissioned due to the damage caused by intense shelling. The barrels' lifetime is limited. As a result, the Russians had to reach out to the deep storage. But this is not the only reason. The range of some artillery pieces (such as the self-propelled Giatsints) exceeds 30 kilometers. This is at least a partial remedy to the weakness of the absent - the Russian frontline aviation assets. The low qualifications of the pilots, no PGMs, and battlespace that is highly saturated with Ukrainian air defense assets make it a challenge to provide air support to Russian sources. The air assets cannot be used to attack the points of resistance and the assets directly beyond the frontline. The artillery is making attempts to do this. In Bakhmut, right after I left, more and more shelling was targeting the city itself, where the defenders were preparing their positions. This will make a large portion of this article irrelevant, while Bakhmut would join the group of liberated piles of rubble. ANALYSIS

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