Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #42

Frag Out! Magazine

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Having a team as such at hand allows one to launch several ad hoc actions - including the design process regarding ad hoc shelters, with those designs being disseminated by local governments among the citizens so that the citizens can build such shelters in the event of growing tension. In essence, that would significantly boost the safety levels for the soci-ety. Furthermore, creating ad hoc shelters is the best way to secure civilians quickly, with low requirements when it comes to the means involved. A team as such, when supporting the local government, could also prepare plans of ad hoc facilities required to secure spare work locations (ZMP) for territorial local government and other bodies having no facilities as such at their disposal - also in a form of guidelines tied to the reinforcement of the structure of the already existing underground facilities. Another ad hoc step that could be taken is an amendment to the resolution issued by the Minister of Interior and Administration, listing their products that require licenses to handle: the list of license-covered products (manufacturing/ sales/procurement) should exclude air filtering/ ventilation systems for civil defense, private, and state facilities (shelters), and individual means of ballistic protection (helmets, vests). Licenses within that scope shall be perceived as factors that have a detrimental impact on the state and the lives of the citi-zens. ANALYSIS

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