Frag Out! Magazine
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FYI: The SPAS-12 prototype and some of the first serial production shotguns are known to have a grip safety lever on the front of the pi- stol grip which released the trigger only if the gun was properly gras- ped. The remainder of this feature is cutout in the pistol grip with a rubber plug installed. Iron sights. The aperture sight has (surprise!) two functions. In my SPAS-12 the rear sight features a notch looking like number 8. Top hole is for shooting buckshot, bot- tom one is for slugs. Depending on the shell you are using top or bottom hole. Sight is factory zero- ed to 50 meters and is non-adju- stable. It's a shotgun if you haven't realized that yet. Some SPAS-12 came with aperture sights with single hole but split into two. Up- per part was larger and smaller in the bottom one. Well, with the owner of the another SPAS-12 we still haven't find out how it works. Stock. Another multi-functional part of this gun. Steel foldable stock with foldable butt pad. Quite comfortable, but not if you're "shor- ty". Since it features the buffer and the shotgun itself is 4.4 kilograms, the stock dampens the recoil quite significantly. Folded stock might be used as a carry handle. There is also an additional hook which can be used for single hand shooting. Disassembly. SPAS-12 disas- sembles in a pretty similar way to any other semi-automatic shotgun. The barrel comes off together with handguard and forend. I recom- mend to clean those parts from time to time as they are attached only with a single screw. When cle- aning, take a good look at all of the rubber parts. SPAS-12 Tips & Tricks: Know before you buy 1. Price. Better in the EU than in the US. Typical price for a 35-40 years old shotgun will be around 3000-3500 EUR, but usually it will still require to buy some parts or replace some of them. Accessories are not required but definitely incre- ase collectors value. Sling is 50-75 EUR, key 50-75 EUR, butt hook aro- und 500 EUR, oval chokes are 50 EUR and standard ones around 25 EUR. Could be cheaper… 2. Spare parts are scarce. Stock is around 700 EUR, triggers 200- 250 EUR. And hard to find. 3. Check before use. Before sho- oting please check some of the key parts and replace if required. Such parts are: - rubber O-ring on the magazi- ne tube (it might be old or might be gone).