Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #42

Frag Out! Magazine

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to be taken into account now. We are slowly going back in time, to the era when the events depicted in the "Pogranicze w ogniu" series were taking place. The Second Po- lish Republic, facing a similar set of challenges, has established a system for protecting the eastern border, known as Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza [Borderland Protection Corps], a military element opera- ting, formally, in peacetime con- ditions. It is possible that this direc- tion, namely reinforcement of the Border Guard, and establishment of a specialized military component, is a righteous one. One should take into account the fact that solutions as such will be less-than-effective, without a political consensus on the long-term strategy for keeping the eastern border secure. ANALYSIS

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