Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #42

Frag Out! Magazine

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se rifles at international defense exhibitions, where they attract a lar- ge crowd, and are demoed alongside the best products in the world. Polish Armed Forces received the first deliveries of the MSBS GROT rifles in November 2017. Poland still uses 96,000 5.56 Beryl assault rifles, ma- nufactured at the facility in Radom. dividual kit modernized, making the offered product comply with the la- test standards, and launching series manufacturing of the said rifle. – 100,000 GROT rifles manufactured for the Polish military is impressive, both domestically, and internatio- nally, said Seweryn Figurski, Board Member at Fabryka Broni "Łucznik" Radom Sp. z o.o. – For a few years now, we have been showcasing the- REPORT

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