Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine Enforce Tac & IWA 2024

Frag Out! Magazine

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Our hope is that everybody has experienced that season in a valuable way for being able to evaluate your shooting skill set as well as gear dependency and kit in overall mat- ters. We honestly and sincerely congratulate each and every one of You because we truly know that it's not easy com- petition – tracks are set up to be difficult to "skip thro- ugh", that also requires tactical thinking so being mindful of what one is doing. Let's begin with winners – this edition we had on the po- dium two competitors that never crossed paths with "Ope- ration Fury": T E X T : O R G A N I Z A T O R O F # 3 P H O T O : M . A . B A R T. / O L E K L E Y D O / F O ! T E A M 1st Place: Amadeusz "Żelazny" Szyszka 2nd Place: Bartosz Dunder 3rd Place: Strzelectwo Dynamiczne Maciej Ponikowski We additionally awarded best woman competitor, Martynę Rechton We are happy that tactical competition is in Your type – You are one of the things that makes them so good. 56

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