Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine Enforce Tac & IWA 2024

Frag Out! Magazine

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Track #2: Direct Action Shooter starts laying in zone no.1, body armor, helmet, glo- ves on the body, pistol holstered without magazine attached and no round in the chamber. Rifle is in zone no. 2, without a magazine and no round in the chamber, next to the rifle lays empty magazine and three rounds. After "beep" the shooter does five burpees and runs to zone no. 2. load the magazine and load the rifle and fire at the steel plate. When firing is done, the rifle is unloaded and left, and the shooter needs to run with weights to the 9-hole where the shotgun is waiting. Five designated holes and five steel targets – only one target from one hole, order and tar- get choice is up to the shooter. Shotgun is left and weights are moved back to the start. Run for the ladder, to then move to the bus with it, Ladder is placed to be able to get inside to the bus through the window and shooter fire at the targets inside the bus, then moves inside to fire from the inside of a bus to the outside targets. After firing at all targets the shooter takes "wounded driver" and moves him to the safe place then takes the rifle from zone no. 2 and move to another zone with covers. Fires at IDPA/ MINI IDPA targets for both rifle and pistol. Ones for pi- stols are fired from weak hand only, three shots each. Each pistol target is between the cover (just one) and needs to be fire at after shooting rifle behind cover both left and right side changing hands each time to the rifle targets, When finished, time stops and range masters count the po- ints. 59 TACTICAL COMPETITIONS

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