Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #44

Frag Out! Magazine

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Page 103 of 115 battlefield. Each was designed, te- sted and proven by a veteran from one of Poland's SOF units. Behind each of our products is a person who is responsible for it from start to finish. Starting with the concept, the design, finding the right contrac- tor, material, prototyping and end- less testing - first done personally then by other experts - and ending with the development of a video manual and a video presenting the capabilities, applications and func- tions of the accessory (all of these videos are available on TcGear's youtube channel). We manufacture everything in Po- land, because we can personally oversee every stage of production. The process of creating our Blade Adaptive Magwell took more than 9 months, during which time 18 pro- totypes were made, tested - we no longer know how many rifles, but at least 15... Our Loop Sling, on the other hand, was tested for more than two years (!!!) - by our instruc- tors, active-duty soldiers and police officers. A whopping two years of shooting and testing before we put the sling on the market, because a sling is like a holster for a gun - and in our opinion it must be at least as reliable as Safariland holsters. We also wanted to build a team of people who are fascinated by their work, love to explore details, look for the best solutions and never settle on their laurels (so expect the next generation of our products). And we don't just mean material suppliers or manufacturers. Just as impor- tant members of this community, in our opinion, are distributors and dealers who know not only what a belt is made of and what a holster cover is made of, but also what lead to it, how it performs, how it affects the shooter's skills, what it supports him in and in what situations it is ne- cessary. For if we were to say in one sentence what we actually do, we would not 50

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