Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out Magazine #45

Frag Out! Magazine

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one part of the toolkit second part of the toolkit klips montażowy bit holder with handle As you can see there is quite a lot of piec- es, and while indeed the mainstays are tools for all screwing, tightening and un- screwing, there are also items to facilitate ad hoc handling of the weapon in some kind of emergency. Well, we certainly won't use this kit to clean the weapon, but it can certainly be helpful in this activity due to the presence of scrapers, especial- ly for the moving assembly of AR-15 car- bines, which is an extremely tedious ac- tivity, and the tools for this are most often simply not available. Yes, I can do without them, but I either must clean the gun after every shooting or improvise with scraping if I neglect the weapon. A very well-thought-out and equally well-functioning element is the bit holder with a handle - it is T-shaped with a plastic ring about 2/3 of its length, which serves to make it easier to turn the wrench. It is attached pivotally, so if you grab it with your fingers, the handle will rotate freely inside it. The handle itself has three slots for bits - one in the longer part and two in the transverse handle - all magnetic, of course. The handle can be used classically, as a wrench after attaching the appropriate bit, but it also provides a handle for other tools, because their tips correspond to the size of typical bits. So using this handle and the appropriate combinations of 8-32" adapter, we get quite convenient tools. A very cool solution is the torque bit, but it requires learning how to use it, be- cause it doesn't work like a torque wrench, which "breaks" when the preset torque is exceeded. Its operation is based on a scale with torque values (from 15 to 65 in- lbs) marked on the stationary part of the body, and tightening screws so that the marker on the moving part reaches the corresponding markings. Not as simple as a classic wrench, but manageable. A certain disadvantage is the metric system used - Anglo-Saxon, not metric, but the kit's distributor in Poland has promised to include appropriate tables with each kit. Besides, a sizable part of the accessories EQUIPMENT

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