Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out Magazine #45

Frag Out! Magazine

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4 I mpatiently waiting for registration to open (those who go to the Light Infantry Challenge every year know what it's all about!), signing up, waiting for confirmation.... There it is, participation accepted! Now only the entry fee and it was done. All that's left is to wait patiently for six months and then I am packing my stuff! The hosts build the atmosphere very interesting and interesting, and already a dozen weeks befo- re the competition we start to find out the deta- ils: track recaps, additional attractions, sponsors' stands, competitions, prizes. It promised to be good and the excitement grew as the date of the competition approached. After all, man does not live by shooting alone, and there is never enough opportunity to look at weapons and equipment! Track descriptions were given in advance, so we knew what to expect. I was especially looking forward to the track where there would be an oppor- tunity to shoot the .50 cal Browning M2 - who wo- uldn't want to squeeze the trigger of the iconic Ma Deuce at least once in a lifetime? Weapons lubrica- ted, optics zeroed, gearpacked - heavy suppressor class, so it won't be light. I'm ready, we're off to go. Nearly 200 competitors were divided into five days - hats off to the organizers, judges and sup- port for enduring such a marathon, yet their work began weeks, if not months, before the start. We arrived a day earlier, on Wednesday, as our squad competed on Thursday. So we showed up at the IBION shooting range on Thursday morning squ- ared away and ready. We nailed Friday with the friends we met, made new acquaintances and flew to the briefing, as time was pressing. Daro and Aga reacquainted us with the most important issues of the competition, presented the time slots for each track and assigned them to each of the four squ- ads competing that day. Our team was given a rotation of tracks one thro- ugh four, which meant we started the one and only "SWAMP." I had seen and heard enough photos, vi- deos and stories about this track and knew it was a big challenge. So we put up the whole pack at the starting area and meet the judges. Another briefing before the start and we finish preparing for the start. As a rule, I'm lucky that I'm always the first in the lineup, and it's the same this time. Well, it is what it is, I take the freebies and stand on the starting line. One last gear check, timer signal and off I go. The first few rifle and pistol targets are still on the shore, and then I launch myself into the

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