Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out Magazine #45

Frag Out! Magazine

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4 „GO LOUD!" The track description before the com- petition promised quite a lot of excitement and fun, and that too was waiting for us as soon as we appeared on the axes. Shooting from the ve- hicle, carrying weights, shooting from behind the curtains, weights again, vehicle again and running to the scaffolding. I let go of climbing the ladder (kudos to my orthopedist - he was right!), climbed the scaffold in the traditional way and shot off the rifle targets. Then a quick rope descent and I rush to forcefully break down the door with the battering ram. I wrestled with the battering ram for so long until time ran out, which meant not completing the second track of three. And here is another lesson for me for the future - you need to apologize to the gym. On our second day of competition, the runs go faster than on Wednesday, making time after this circuit for a break, lunch, visiting the stands and a moment's rest, which we obliquely take advantage of. Somewhere out there in the distance, Works 11 and Browning M2 are waiting for us on the last "50 cal." track. As always, we start with a briefing, including instructions for reloading and firing the M2. I won't say, waiting for my turn I scrambled like Anakin on Mustafar. The M2 had been thundering since early morning and I even looked forward to that one shot. Finally, I sit behind the rifle, signal the timer, reload and BOOM! Then rifle in hand and sprint to the axis. First a few stands and shots from forced positions into the blanks at distances from 200 to about a few dozen meters - finally some- thing for me and my LPVO. All hit and run to the side axes, and there mazes, alleys, curtain obscu- rations. All laced with special effects - bloody dol- ls and walls, anointed walls, the atmosphere was! Rifle targets mixed with pistol targets, cramped so you have to watch the safety angles. The fun was really ahead. I finished the whole track and thus the whole competition. It worked, I guess...time for reflections will come later. I wait for the rest of my buddies, high-five the judges and head back to the main square. Time to unload, embrace and relax. The excitement subsides, everyone had a good time, we chill in the exhibitor area and head home in the late afternoon.

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