Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out Magazine #45

Frag Out! Magazine

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6. Evolution and development pro- spects of the MSBS GROT rifle (pre- sentation of the A3 version). 7. Development of the MSBS family – the 5.56 mm GROT PC rifle (incre- ased accuracy) and the GROT 762N DMR. The practical part of GROTOWISKO was held the next day and focused on competitions for both soldiers and civilians. The event was co-or- ganized by the Nadwiślańskie and Legionowskie Shooting Societies and the Bellona shooting range. The civilian shooters competition consisted of two pistol and two rifle stages, using VIS 100M1 pistols and MSBS GROT S16 FB- M1 rifles. The stages were mostly static, though two were called "dy- namic" – one pure target shooting and one "with target movement" for each weapon type. Participation in the competition was free of charge, and the event counted as four participations, co- unted toward a shooting license, making it worthwhile. Registration was limited to 100 participants, and only those registered could en- ter the range. The military competition was in a class of its own. Unlike past events, there were no static sho- oting events or outdated challen- ges like magazine loading or rifle assembly timed contests. Inste- ad, the courses were dynamic, requiring stamina, endurance, and shooting skills. Competitors drag- ged a dummy representing a wo- unded soldier for 90 meters, ran through a "killing house" scenario, shot from vehicles (using UKM 2020S machine guns mounted on Żmija recce vehicles), cleared tren- ches, and fired from trenches and at distances of 300–400 meters with the GROT 762N rifles, all while fatigued and using forced positions. The courses were well-designed, challenging, safe, and well-organi- zed, allowing for smooth progress despite the number of participants. The competition ended with purely physical challenges, such as tug- -of-war, held just before the awards ceremony. REPORT

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