Finally, let me emphasize again -
the presented package of changes,
as well as the MSBS GROT A3, is
currently a proposal for changes
developed by Fabryka Broni and
WAT (Military University of Tech-
nology) in cooperation with users.
Whether the A3 will be accepted
and the extent of the changes it
will undergo depends solely on the
Polish Armed FOrces. Of course,
the new version, regardless of the
scope of modernization, will still
have to go through the whole cycle
of tests and certifications.
The GROT A3 looks very promi-
sing - the scope of changes corre-
sponds to the demands of users
and even goes beyond them, while
what we have been presented to us
does not cover all the changes, inc-
luding technological or concerning
the production process itself.
How the A3 will finally look and
how it will work - I don't know, this
must be checked by the Armed
Forces and the soldiers into who-
se hands this rifle will end up. Let's
hope that the process of possible
implementation of the GROT mo-
dernization will go quickly, because
it would be a shame to waste the
potential of this design.
In meantime, the technical docu-
mentation for a 10" barrel GROT
variant and a bull-pup configura-
tion was approved by the Arma-
ment Agency, which will allow the
adoption of these versions of the
GROT, which is what the crews of
combat vehicles and paratroopers
are waiting for.