BY Michał SitarSki
March 24, 2014, at a shooting
range near radom, we have witnessed
the public premiere of the new variant
of the modular small arms system-5.56
(polish abbreviation: msbs-5,56) family of
rifles, developed jointly by the military
technological universit y (wat) from
warsaw and the radom-based fabryka
broni Łucznik-radom. this system is to
finally encompass a total of 11 configu-
rations, all based upon a common upper
receiver. six of them would be in classical
– lock, stock and barrel – layout or msbs-
5,56k (standard rifle, grenade launching
rifle, carbine, lmg, dmr and a new cer-
emonial rifle for polish army's honor
guard battalion) and five in bullpup lay-
out or msbs-5,56b (assault rifle, assault
rifle with under-slug grenade launcher).
additionally, a 12-ga automatic shotgun
based on the msbs-k is planned, but so far
only a computer rendering of the latter
weapon was declassified.