Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #09

Frag Out! Magazine

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of the sides of the mentioned targets, but also in this case with a few significant differences. We have three large round targets with a diameter of circa 25cm – perfect for a basic training both with a handgun, and long gun. There is an inch mesh over the round targets what will help with resetting view finders. Each target is marked by a letter – consecutively A, B and C. In the top right corner of the target you can find a table with an allocated 1MOA value expressed in inches and centimeters for the relevant distances – a nice and useful accent for those who are absent-minded. On the paper sides there are six targets with different shapes placed. In order to reduce production costs and costs of an end product a manufacturer resigned from applying different colors. Despite this a simple combination of shapes and digits by which targets are marked makes it possible to use successfully to the drills such as Lucky Charms. TRAINING TARGET A very modest target with a great number of circles, and at the same time very interesting. It was designed for shooting training with handgun at a distance from 5 to 10 meters using 60 rounds. Certainly, an amount of ammunition depends on the individual preferences of the shooter, however a suggested number enables to perform all the exercises without making a mess on the paper. The first row consists of two round targets with a diameter ~20cm. On the assumption they are for a shooting warm-up at 5 or 10 meters. We fire 10 shots to the first target, then we check- up what is possibly not right, we improve what is needed (a grip, trigger pull, sights) and we fire the next 10 shots to the second target. In the row below there are 4 smaller targets with a diameter circa 10cm which can be used for further perfect concentration or for instance for training doublets, quick horizontal target changing or shooting in ACCESSORIES

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