Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #09

Frag Out! Magazine

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the rhythm drill, increasing a pace from the left to the right. All depends on this how good was the warm-up and how comfortable we feel. In this case I recommend a distance of 507 meters. Under the dotted line there is the Shift Gears Drill which made us aware how consistent was our grip. Depending on a number of magazines which we have at our disposal, a training can be performed at one time (four magazines are needed) or two times (two magazines). What is the clue: we load five rounds to each magazine, fire from the largest to the smallest circle, then we quickly exchange a magazine (what is reminded by the twisted arrows) and we fire a row below from the largest to the smallest circle, and in this manner to the last circle. It is a very simple exercise which will help us to identify errors in the fundamentals, i.e. a consistent grip of the gun. The 5m distance seems to be optimal to perform this exercise due to a size of the smallest circle. SUMMARY We are very happy that at least somebody con- ceived such a simple thing as drawing a few reasonable circles on a piece of paper and develop- ing a good field target. It is not any nuclear physics, but it required a few months of tests of the proto- type targets, consultations and hundreds (if not thousands) of the fired ammunition pieces. I am an average shooter, I still learn. I had an oppor- tunity to test the targets during the workshops, sev- eral shooting trainings and an independent training and I admit that they are a very useful tool. When combined with a proper instructor who is able to use its potential they are like a good set of exercis- es. Nevertheless, it does not mean that they have no disadvantages. All targets re large (59 x 84 cm), what means, that they cannot be fitted on some screens, and sometimes shooting the targets po- sitioned at their edges may case shooting through one of the screen feet (what I experienced personal- ly). It is hard to blame directly their design because they were designed to use as great as possible pa- per surface. Moreover, in the training target repeat targets of a square and a circle. As long as you can understand a fact of their repetition (on command "circle" or "square" we have two targets to shoot), but they should be blended among other figures. In this configuration the exercise is too simple. Let's remember that the targets are only pieces of paper in which we make holes – they will not amend our mistakes, but may only point them out and they are ruthless.

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