Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #09

Frag Out! Magazine

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Page 159 of 239 special forces. The VBS software was used for trainings before killing Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. The SEALS unit trained an assault on the virtual model of the OBL complex. Production capabilities & IFAKs The company started its own manufacturing plant five years ago. Until 2014 it increased its employment from 15 to 40 persons. A significant success of this period was a delivery of a large batch of the IPMed Individual First Aid Kits from the Polish Army – each soldier from ISAF deployment was now equipped with the IFAK man- ufactured by the SPECOPS A history of selecting colors for the IPMed kits is pe- culiar. The Big Army expected a desert color, but not desert camouflage pattern (aka Desert Panther which was standard wz.93 camouflage with tweaked color) – reason was quite simple: what will we do with this stuff when we come back to Poland?. And it is only the very beginning… Green was also inappropriate (What will we do with this stuff in the desert?). Finally a golden half- mean won – the Coyote Brown. It has been the greatest supply of the equipment el- ements with MOLLE standard webbing for the Polish Army until now. At the same time a new color was added to a palette for the equipment. ULPCgate In 2015 the ULPCgate echoed widely in the interested circles. An exotic trio controlled by attorney B. robbed pre-payments of a few dozen of company customers, bring away designs from the company and started a new life in the industry, as a new company. Attorney B., stuck in a very complex personal and professional rationales, became an employee of his previous subordinate and underwent a serious amnesia. He forgot what he had done with a $250K in cash, bank credits, documents and a company server password.The scandal did not stop development on the other products. The laminate fabric recipe was finally worked out, with now is the strong- est among those available on the market. However, you should remember that all the time the laminate will not be so resistant do damages as the Cordura 1000D nylon and bartacked MOLLE webbing – their breaking strength is above 2000Kg (4,000lbs) and you cannot ex- pect that two layers of the laser-cut Cordura 500D will be stronger. In this period was developed already pat- ented #TestKordka (hush, hush testing procedure) which

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