Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #10

Frag Out! Magazine

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Page 162 of 249

H-2-H COMBAT the it the system Krav maga is based on natural reactions, connecting simplicity and efficiency, so that it may be used by anyone, regardless the gender, age, or physique. Krav maga was designed to deal with the most extreme threats (confrontation with many opponents, an attacker with a knife, a gun, or other dangerous tool, as well as kidnap attempt, or a hostage situation). Everyone who trains and regularly works up a good sweat at the hall thinks what would be their reaction, if they encountered a similar situation on the street. What would be their level of stress, would they manage to stay cool and overcome the challenge when there is a real opponent (not a friend from the gym), and the danger to health or life rapidly increases. It must be highlighted that it is not about the eagerness to experience the confrontation, but about building confidence and motivation for further development.

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