Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #10

Frag Out! Magazine

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In the wet hand it is just impossible. It is decidedly the greatest disadvantage of this kwaiken – in my opinion, unfortunately, very serious. A problem with handling the flipper eliminates advantages created by applying the IKBS, what from my point of view is a wasted potential. A sound of the opened blade is soft and pleasing to the ear, notwithstanding you must make a significant effort to be able to listen to this music a few times in a row. If it comes to the frame lock, there are no technological novelties – an old, tried and tested liner lock falls correct- ly (more or less up to 1/3 of the blade thickness) and fulfills its tasks well. The liners are in the kweiken fairly thick (approx. 2 mm), therefore instead of a few unpleas- ant cuts the frame lock fit in one comfortable, profiled with regard to the thumb. The knife has a narrow handle, cut according to a geometric shape that narrows downwards. However, it is rather massive, first and foremost, due to the full, sol- id liners. No lightening holes has a strong impact on the weight of the entire knife (153 g with a length of approx. 21 cm). A little bit smaller, semi-round in the cross-sec- tion titanium covers are screwed to the liners. The handle looks attractive and perfectly composes with a slender, aggressive blade. Burley managed to draw out a real classy stuff from the grayness and simplicity which are associated with boring and lacking a character designs. Ergonomics is quite well, a hand comfortably arranges on the handle although in the stronger grip the sharp edges slightly pierce into the skin. The knife does not slide in the dry hand, although its smooth finishing from titanium does not ensure any more a suitable grip when it is wet. The clips is assembled in the tip-up position, without any possibility to change its position. It is rather short, but it holds strongly enough. It is screwed just under a hole for the line and allows for inserting the knife deeply in the pocket. I had a certain problem with providing reliable tests of the kwaiken (finally, it is hard to find the knife which serves to make a suicide as a tool for everyday use). Despite a fact that subtle caressing of carotid with such a beautiful KNIVES

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