Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #11

Frag Out! Magazine

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the corrective insert and glasses, as well as eyes is ad- justed in such a manner that a user practically is not aware of wearing "two pairs of eyes". Indeed, they look rather strange when combined with the transparent Clear viewfinders, but it is not about the appearance, but sight protection. On the other hand, their reliable structure and a stable cross assembly for the goggles are the most desirable features when it comes to the professional users, and they constitute a basis of this market. The goggle adapters are stable, and their as- sembly trivially easy – it could not be really solved in the easier way. The cross adapter interlocks in the venti- lation cut-outs in the top part of the goggle frame and supports on the nosepiece and on the bottom part of the frame. At this is the end, you do not have to do an- ything more. I tested both pairs of the glasses in the good weather conditions at the open shooting range and low humid- ity, however, it still does not seem to me that any of the applied variants caused an exaggerated misting. The distances between the lenses and the skin are so well adjusted that they enable a free air circulation and the entire stuff does not vaporize in the noticeable manner stronger than the eyewear itself. If you want to clean them you have to disconnect the insert, but it is a triv- ial operation – it is enough to release a locking device in the eyewear and disconnect fastenings from the air holes. Summary All of the tested combinations of the ESS eyewear and corrective inserts worked perfectly, both at the shoot- ing range, and on the everyday basis as the "sports" eye- wear. The discontented persons can complain a little bit because of their price, although from my point of view it is adequate in relation to the product quality and its wearing comfort. Furthermore, there is an op- portunity to personalize the kit at one's own discretion. And additionally, the whole stuff looks well what is an extra advantage. EYEWEAR

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