Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #18

Frag Out! Magazine

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Page 66 of 237

DUrinG the AUSA AnnUAl MeetinG 2017 in WAShinGton D.C. USA, wB Group, lArGeSt PoliSh PrivAte DefenSe inDUStry holDinG, UnveileD their neW SolU- tion for DiSMoUnteD SolDierS on the fUtUre BAttlefielD. the u-Gate system Utilize AUGMenteD reAlity teChnoloGy WhiCh SUPeriMPoSeS CoMPUter Gener- AteD iMAGeS into the USer'S fielD of vieW. MAny CoMPAnieS Are lookinG to ADAPt thiS teChnoloGy for MilitAry USe, BUt WB GroUP Are one of the firSt leADinG DefenSe PlAyerS to DeveloP A WorkinG ProDUCt. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES

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