FO!: What Materials are useD in the systeM?
MS, ASz: The main load-carrying material is Cordura 750D IRR in
MAPA camouflage pattern. We have nylon webbing, ITW Nexus ac-
cessories – nothing out of the ordinary. If we're talking about the
world, that is.
FO!: What are DrOMaDer equipMent's special
Features? is it an antiDOte tO the ills OF in-
DiviDual equipMent useD by the pOlish arMeD
FOrces tODay?
MS, ASz: Its key assets are lightweight, minimum number of ele-
ments, and MOLLE/PALS compatibility, which is not so obvious in
the case of the equipment used at present. The pockets and po-
uches are highly standardized too. The MP-6 gas mask puch, for
instance, is much smaller and more ergonomic. Unfortunately, we
won't be able to put a microwave oven inside it, which was possi-
ble with the last model, but we'll be able to run freely with it, which
can be a plus. Apart from that, we're working on a range of elements
designed for special use – covers, radio pockets, equipment, crew-
served weapons, or smaller elements such as e.g. ammunition belt
pouches, unavailable to the Polish Armed Forces till this day...