Frag Out! Magazine
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FO!: hOW lOng DiD it take tO Make the systeM reach its present FOrM? MS, ASz: 28 days from the start to the end, an average of 12 hours of work per day. And it will still take a while, but we already have an organism we can work on, and that's very important. FO!: is DrOMaDer FinisheD, Or are there sOMe MajOr MODiFicatiOns tO be expecteD? MS, ASz: No. DROMADER is not finished. There are about 30 proto- type parts made out of the intended 70 elements. The "large" DRO- MADER will be shown in 2018, and a complete system with export versions of it will be presented at MSPO 2018. 13 months from the beginning of works, i.e. 1 August 2017. FO!: What DO yOu think is the Future OF DrOMaDer? MS, ASz: DROMADER will be subject to a number of tests in the first quarter of 2018, and we expect that some elements will be adopted by TDF, and – eventually – by armed forces. But it's a complex pro- cess, which requires 8-year testing with the participation of several dozen state institutions. I'm joking, of course – testing doesn't last that long, but the procedure of putting new equipment into standard use is very complicated, lengthy, and not too effective. Actually, the process of making tanks and machine guns a part of standard mili- tary equipment is quite similar... There's a different disposer for each element – hence the Polish-origin two-piece coverall, i.e. a combat shirt and pants are defined together as a "coverall" in tendering pro- cedures only because the distribution list does not provide for mo- ney for uniforms, but it does for "coveralls". Nobody wants suits, and so a uniform becomes a "two-piece coverall". Ballistic plates and ve- sts are ordered by different ordering parties. That's why according to terms, backpacks are "containers" because there is no cash for backpacks, but there is for "containers" and "carriers". But it's like laughing at a funeral, isn't it? FO!: hOW WOulD yOu say DrOMaDer perFOrMs cOMpareD tO equipMent useD by Other arMeD FOrces? MS, ASz: DROMADER can be compared only to the equipment of several armies in Europe, e.g. Norway and Latvia both use higher- -end gear designed by NFM. The gear used by Germans, the French, or the British is nothing special, and compared to their equipment, DROMADER is nothing to be ashamed of – it is actually a more sophisticated and lighter solution. US Army's equipment is more advanced technologically, and composed of hundreds of elements. Equipping our infantry with complete DROMADER system solutions will catapult Polish armed forces to the global top of tactical gear. Thank you for the conversation. equipment