British by birth! The Boxer (8x8) Multi-Role Armoured Vehicle (MRAV) is one of the
contenders for the UK Mechanised Infantry Vehicle (MIV) program requirement. For
DSEI, Rheinmetall has painted Boxer MRAV in the red, white, and blue colors of the
"Union Jack", as this was one of the countries originally involved in the programmed,
so Boxer is 'British by Birth'. Two versions were shown – basic and IFV with turret from
Puma IFV to confirm the modularity of Boxer.
During the DSEI 2017 SAAB has unveiled a new variant of Gripen fighter, Gripen Aggressor. Gripen Aggressor is based on
the proven Gripen C-series and is the ultimate platform for the adversary air combat training market. Gripen Aggressor
brings a unique mix of high performance, mission flexibility and availability combined with a low life cycle cost. Plus, it
had an awesome paintjob on tail!