Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #20

Frag Out! Magazine

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While riding my Harley, I fasten it on the handlebar (as once the lone riders did their blankets, while traveling hundreds of miles) and it is super, then the fanny pack constitutes also a shield against the insects during their flights. It works great for storage of insu- lation jacket like Arc'teryx ATOM LT, which fits inside together with a can of any energy drink! And the classic stuff such as the cash, ID's, sometimes GoPro and keys. After reaching your destination, it can be easily unfaste- ned from the handle bar and you may take it with you (as our country is wide and I cannot suspect that when I co- meback, everything will be on its place). I will write you as I feel it. I do not carry Alpha all the time with me, because I do not need it actually, but it is useful while riding and at the shooting range, and certainly in the thousand other situations. I just posses it and use it a little bit. I like it, but it is too big for my EDC, so it will accompany me on and off, thanks to that I will not have to write about this "rustle". EQUIPMENT

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