Can I train myself?
Bruce: Sure, you can! You can also learn how to ski or how to repair a washing
machine. I won't claim that such trainings can be only done with us. But ask
yourself, what do you want to achieve and how quickly? I and Tomek are experts in
their matters. Since more than 10 years we are athletes and certified instructors.
We know the most common mistakes of the students, and we know how to
eliminate them. We will show you the most effective way for best effects. If you
don't like the price or the location or there is some other reason you cannot attend
BCS training, we might have a solution for you. Together with launch of second
training module for Delta class we are launching the online training/verification
session where we are going to publish videos with tasks to complete, pro tips and
recommended exercises. That's going to be heat!
Tomek: Not all shooting ranges offer proper environment for such trainings and
not all ranges will agree for therm. If you can't recognize your mistakes and you
don't have anyone to verify your skills, the training on your own is the worst kind of