Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #38

Frag Out! Magazine

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SHASH Designer, sophisticated, comfortable. They fit well with a ballistic helmet and with a smart casual blazer. The wide but flat frames adapt well to the shape of the head, and can be gently dogged for a better fit if required. And, of course, the Ops-Core logo on the side. The Cool Guy Eyepro of your dreams? Unfortunately, not so much. On paper and in pictures everything about Mk1's looks good, but there is one major problem with the Ops-Core Mk1 - they fog up horribly. Whether warm or cold outside - they can always fog up. Even with such a demanding activity as getting into the car after a 10-minute walk. It's tragic. The factory anti-fog coating is inefficient. Right out of the box you need to spray them with an ef- fective antifog, otherwise, even after a momentary exertion, you will see the world through a fog. In the Mk1 glasses we received for testing, this problem occurred on a massive scale. We talked about it with representatives of the manufacturer, who recognized the problem and informed us that they were looking for a solution. Another problem, especially for European professional users, may be the lack of official confirmation that they meet the conditions of the European EN166 standard for safety glasses. If someone has an accident while working, the first thing the insurance company will ask will be whether the proper protecti- ve equipment has been provided… This has to improve quickly IMHO. EQUIPMENT

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