Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #40

Frag Out! Magazine

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rences may be due only to the A1/A2 variants but this is not an indicator of whether the rifle is military or civilian. LOOSE ROUNDS Most of the military and commercial GROT parts are modular and inter- changeable although the weapon will not function in some of the possible configurations. Military rifle with the military trigger will not run with a ci- vilian bolt carrier. Sport rifles will not run with military BCG, etc. Well, you can assemble early sport upper and military lower and bolt carriers but this might be considered a felony. In sport GROTs from current production runs, you won't be able to insert the military bolt carrier and if you will place the civilian bolt carrier into the military rifle you will be only able to shoot in single fire. But as I mentio- ned, the number of early sport GROT was extremely limited and are good example of the changes in the desi- gn which were implemented over the time, mostly to comply with some export regulations in the potential commercial markets, were civilian shooters are prohibited to use mil- -spec parts in their firearms or barrels with bayonet lugs. But still GROT is a highly modular and configurable sho- oting platform. GROT A1

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