Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #03

Frag Out! Magazine

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The WATches And communicATion A work in maritime security of the ship is fulfilled in the watch system on the wings of the captain's bridge and in 99% it is restricted to observation of the sea in order to identify a threat properly in advance. In the Maritime Security it will be an armored staff of the skiff (a long, agile boat in which sail both fisherman, and pirates) or a mother ship – a movable base for pirates enhancing their operations area. When a captain is mentally on our side, a team is enabled to use a radar which handling is not very complicated (it can be receives as a heresy by lecturers of the Maritime University but they must realize that a world still goes forward). If we need to confirm information from the radar so we turn directly to the captain or officers who perform a watch on the bridge. It happens that skiffs are nor detected by radars so those who think that electronics will replace a routine observation of the horizon with the spyglasses are mistaken. At the beginning we can learn a lot from the experiences sailors who in the blink of an eye can notice a little flash what takes us a longer while. In the case of sailing into high-risk areas on which hijacking were previously noted, a captain or a TL can order doubling of the watches. Usually, the watches with a 4-people team and 1 observer last for four hours. When changing a number of observers, the time intervals must be of course changed, too. The team members maintain communication using short-waves radios, and in the emergency situation commu- nicate through the ship's sound system (using voice or alarm signals).

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