We use replicas of Heckler & Koch HK416, Knight's Armaments SR-25 and Glock 17, 19, and 22 (among other) platforms.
For the rifles we use Geissele handguards due to the fact that they are very low profile, and seeing that we rarely change
accessories (besides, most of us never utilize side or bottom rails in favor of direct mounted solutions for lower profile),
we definitely appreciate the slick sides and tighter profile of the Geissele system which also features integrated QD sling
attachment points, eliminating yet another accessory. Other common features are Magpul accesories, EOTech sights (the
larger reticle enables faster targeting at the short distances we generally operate at, compared to a smaller reticle) and
IR lasers pointers used in conjunction with night vision devices. Among the night vision systems we employ you'll find
ANVIS-6/9, AN/PVS-14, AN/PVS-15 and AN/PVS-18. Sidearms not meant for concealment carry often feature magwells
by manufacturers such as ALG, JP and Dawson; slide mounted RDS sights or fiber optic sights and Surefire X300 weapon