Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #08

Frag Out! Magazine

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Page 112 of 207

At the end of 2015, the fRAG oUt! minions Got hAnds on An inteRestinG, AlthoUGh not qUite mARket novelty, ELCAN SpECtEr DuAL roLE 1-4x DuAL Role weApon siGht. we hAve been UsinG it foR A shoRt time, so it is RAtheR difficUlt to cAll it seRioUs testinG, bUt AfteR some shootinG, i still Am Able to sAy A thinG oR two AboUt this siGht. by: piotR wAleRysiAk photos: piotR wAleRysiAk, bARtosz szolUchA, OPTICS

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