optoELECtroNiC guN SightS, whiCh hAvE rECENtLy bEComE quitE
popuLAr, ALLow two-EyE AimiNg AND quiCk tArgEtiNg. whEN uSED
At LoNgEr DiStANCES, thEy NEED zoomiNg AttAChmENtS. AftEr
ShortENiNg thE DiStANCE, thE ShootEr muSt foLD thE AttAChmENt
(thiS DECrEASES thE fiELD of viEw) or try to Shoot with it (thiS
DECrEASES thE fiELD of viEw EvEN morE). othEr iNCoNvENiENCE iS thE
iNCrEASiNg wEight of thE wEApoN with SightS AND – iN SomE CASES
– DiffiCuLtiES iN mouNtiNg SuCh A CombiNAtioN oN thE mouNtiNg
rAiLS. ELCAN SpECtEr Dr 1-4x DEALS with SuCh probLEmS.