Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #08

Frag Out! Magazine

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ACCESSORY CONSOLE The console is used to steer the CBRN accesso- ries that have radio modules (Adsorber SPME and R-Sensor) and to display results of measurement with environmental sensors. It has a form of a tab- let of increased resistance with an attached radio module, which communicates with accessories, and a GPS module. The console also has an access module authorized with an RFID card. The user's interface is a graphical environment, in which the system of accessories is fully operated via a touch- screen. When switched on, the console shows the opera- tor the list of accessories that can be paired with the console. After the accessories are paired with, the operator may switch the control windows with icons representing respective devices. Via the win- dows, it is possible to i.a. switch the device on and off, display measurement data from the sensors as text or/and in a graphical form, and check the charge level of the internal batteries of devices. The console is facilitated with a map sub-system, which has been currently used to display the cur- rent position of the console according to the in- dications shown in the GPS module. At any time, the operator may open the accessory list and dis- connect the selected ones (e.g. in order to spare energy or after completing the task) or pair with additional accessories to increase the range of possible tasks. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES

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