Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #11

Frag Out! Magazine

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It is still not that bad when such a surprise hits your face – in the cheek or nose. It will cut the skin, maybe it will stick a lit- tle bit under it, some blood will flow and sometimes you have to visit a physi- cian, but generally, besides rare, extreme cases (which might be dangerous, and even seriously dangerous), it does not result in the permanent bodily injury. It is worse, if you are hit in the uncovered eye – its impair- ments are generally irreversible, and sight itself does not regenerate… A standard countermeasure for such threats are bal- listic glasses or goggles with impact-resistant polycar- bonate visors, available from many companies in the different variants, sizes and flavours. But what should do persons who are injured by nature and suffer from vision defects? The ordinary glasses with plastic lenses (not even mentioning the typical made of glass) do not ensure an sufficient protection level. And you uncon- ditionally should remember about it! The glasses wear- ers who think that their corrective eyewear guarantees them security are not rarely seen at the shooting range. No, it does not guarantee, and even can contribute to increasing an extend of injuries – you should get it into your head and stop believe in baloney. But what should do a person who has on his nose the corrective glasses and is an aware shooter? Wear on them the goggles in the larger size? Figure out with the small corrective and larger protective glasses? Such a configuration rarely works due to the difficulties with adjusting two pairs of the "artificial eyes", and besides, it is usually uncomfortable when it comes to wearing. Maybe, besides some goggle models, but how long can you withstand at the shooting range in the gog- gles (let's forget for a while how would you look like)?. So, maybe you should choose contact lenses? A per- fect solution, but not everybody (for instance me) can or want wear them. That is life. An optimal solution constitute suitable ballistic glass- es with a polycarbonate eye shield, and a possibility to mount a corrective insert. Such products are met in the offer of many companies, although those offered by the ESS or Eye Safety Systems, Inc. distinguish by their comprehensiveness. The Vice Rx™ inserts, which match to the Cross-series and ICE eyeshield are the simplest version. In the kit you receive a metal wire frame for the Rx lenses, an adapter (exchangeable nosepiece) to the ESS glasses and plastic profiles which facilitate work of the optometrist. These inserts allow for using the Rx lenses from -6 up to +6 diopters. An advanced variant is a universal U-Rx™ insert, which may be used in the Cross-series and ICE eyewear, the Profile™, FlightPro™ and FirePro™ ballistic googles, as well as the Oakley™ M-Frame Eyeshield. In this case the insert is full and made of rigid nylon in dark gray (real- ly in almost black). Besides it, this kit includes adapters (nosepieces) for the ESS and Oakley ballistic goggles and cross-adapters for the goggles of the above men- tioned brands. The U-Rx™ accommodates a wide range of Rx lenses from -11 to +11 total power. EYEWEAR

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