Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #11

Frag Out! Magazine

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IN USe As with each new stuff you must familiarize yourself with the Instructor Shirt. The first thing which I have used, were the pieces of the Velcro on the arms, that I adorned with some patches – well, they are made just for this, aren't they? After putting it on it turns out that its fabric is stretchy, pleasant to touch and seems to be rather durable. I have also immediately appreciated an elongated cut of the t-shirt, which after putting it into the pants gets out from them not so quickly. As, I am built as a barn door (yeah, on the photos you can see a more photogenic and handsome colleague than me, and slightly smaller... ;), this T-shirt slipping out of the pants and a plumber's groove have been like a nightmare to me. These days have gone. First and foremost, the arm pockets have perfectly worked at the shooting range – I have put into them my notebook, an invoice for the ammunition and earplugs. I have also used these pockets for the ball pens placed in the shoulder area, and in this miracle way my marker for ticking hits has stopped to vanish and it has been (almost) always in the same places. I am convinced that I am not the only one person in the world who has had a problem with that. After a few hours of shooting my phone has rung – surely, it has been in the front pocket of my pants, to which an access has been hindered to a fairly large range belt. After finishing a talk I have no lust to make attempts to insert the phone to the front pocket so I have given a chance to the pocket under the armpit, and I have inserted my phone over there. It has been placed securely in it until it has rung again. This solution really works. We have only one problem with this pocket, but it has not resulted from its design defects, but from being absent-minded – a rifle sling hanged under my left shoulder has blocked an access to this pocket so the phone has been inserted only to its half; after picking up the phone the sling has brought out the phone, but fortunately it has fallen only on the sand. After this event we have stated collectively that it would be not a stupid solution to close this pocket from the top (it could be an overlap stitched from the inside upper edge) – a similar solution is used by the Vertx company in order to close the pockets in the upper leg area). I have not attached anything to the loop on breast, but I have appreciated a loop which works when we want to put quickly sunglasses. Seems to be trivial, but it can be helpful.

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