Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #16

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COATEE'S STORY I have been carrying a knife on me for many years. At first, it has been a classical, Victorinox Sentinel, then the Kershaw folder, and now for a few months is the Zero Tolerance 0095BW always ready for use. I put a great pressure on the phrase: "always ready for use", what may- be is euphemism, but possessing a simple, "painfully" functional tool is helpful in may everyday situations. Many times, over the course of the recent months, describing the various accessories or equipment, I have been trying to find some sort of my private "magic formula" defining a utility level. The Zero Tolerance 0095BW is the first knife approaching to a perfect level with regard to my expectations. As I like nice things so I dare say that that this knife looks phenome- nally. It is immediately noticeable that its designer has made the most of the classic and its work could be blatantly one of the elements of the Colonial Marines from the USS Sulaco, taking part in a rescue mis- sion on the Acheron moon (LV-426) trying to solve a mystery of the broken connection with a colony of Hadley's Hope. Maybe indeed, the designer ifs a great fan of this classic work and he has wanted to turn into a reality an atmosphere and a climate of this movie in his design? What is the most important, the form given to the knife is exceptionally functional, and its quality – exemplary. The handle is very comfortable, ensuring a certain grip thanks to the profiled indentation under the index finger and, what has also surpri- sed me, flat place on the blade spine, which gives an excellent support for the thumb. It has worked when I have been preparing the building material for my son, sharpening the sticks for a palisade around a sand castle. The handle itself is perfectly profiled, its edges are mi- nimally rounded what ensured a pleasant, certain grip, what in turn contrasts with its strongly angular design. The edge has a shape similar to the harpoon giving the knife slightly "brutal" character. It is very sharp and despite using it intensively for a few months does not require sharpening. The knife is unfolded smoothly with a pleasant resistance, the lock clams while clicking specifically. After unfolding, the knife surprises with its appearance one again. When it is folded it looks like a piece of the hazardous mechanism. After unfolding it, the edge lines and the profiled spine sections, in connection with the mas- sive handle, surprise with smoothness, coming from the top to the end of the handle. A good, changing at the moment of transferring from one state (folded – standby) to the second one (unfolded – activity) design looks like that. The handle, which is made of two reliable strips of titanium has its weight, and in combination with the cutting edge gives together some- thing what weights approx. 160 grams. A clip of the appropriate length makes that the knife can be carried perfectly, put deep in the pocket and taken out without any effort. What is the most important, it has never unfolded while taking it out from the pocket, what has happened to me many times when handling the other folding knives. The ZT 0095BW is the first knife, which I use on the everyday basis that arises interest of the other people. When I take it out and open a cardboard box or an envelope, cut the sticks for playing for the chil- dren and when it is needed to lever something or cut a cord, so the third persons ask me what is this! Their reactions are usually positive and concluded by a simple statement: Wow! This phenomenal com- bination of the highest quality materials (Titanium and S35VN steel) with a manufacturing precision guarantees that the 0095BW will be a companion for the decades.

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