important position in the middle
east, opposing the oil monarchies of
the Persian Gulf. The international
community is also worried about the
possibility of Iran obtaining nuclear
weapons. This is where most of the
threatening towards Israel aimed at
establishing the Ayatollahs' position
originates from. The Ayatollahs and
their allies want to portray themselves
as those who are still fighting the
Jews, contrary to the Sunni nations
(such as Jordan or Egypt). The above
circumstances create a situation
in which the actors controlling the
territories close to Israel play an
important role. They also receive
support from Iran, Hezbollah from
Liban and the Syrian Assad's regime.
And Syria, and, sometimes, Liban,
have been the target for the recent
Israeli airstrikes.
If the US, Israeli, or a coalition-
driven military operation is launched,
neutralization of the Iranian nuclear
potential could be listed among
the strategic objectives of such