– stage with Blaze Pod training
system. We have five lights and
one base one. You must touch the
base light, go to one of five places
where one is lit up, take a shot and
move back to the base light and
move again. More targets you hit
within three minutes, the better
your score is. Start to do anaerobic
training sessions :)
Ball – kettlebell that weighs
32 kg with rope attached. You
throw it ahead until it will reach the
far end of the shooting range where
the stage is placed. Each time you
throw, you fire at the targets. When
the kettlebell reaches the line, you
move back and pull it by the rope
until it reaches the line where you
started. Good luck.
Except for the stages mentioned
above, there was a dozen more
already known from previous com-
petition – some of them are clas-
sics like pendulum or container and
some are new things but nothing
Lekka Piechota is competition
different from anything else be-
cause you need to be fit and know
your weapon well (let's just say,
you need to pass Travis Haley and
CSAT test without much trouble to
shoot the perfect score). What's
more, knowing how to set up a
good kit and how to pack up a bac-
kpack will be helpful. Han Solo is a
variation where you go by yourself,