cal part we went to the range, and we checked
our zeros at 50 meters. Then we move back from
our targets every 50 meters each time firing four
shots to the target aiming exactly to the center
of our target. At the 100 meters lane we fired at
the same target as before to check the bullet
drop, but at the 150 and above target was steel
plate with 30 cm in diameter – still, we aimed for
the center, no adjustments. After firing from the
300 meters line (with the help of a spotter) we
moved to the targets and zero sight at 35 meters
and did everything once more.
Event ended with dynamic shooting to the
targets from 100 to 300 meters and a silhouette
that was showing for just 10 seconds. That task
was off course done while being tired and under
pressure of time.