To sum up. Every part is made very well although
blackening of the blade will come off as from only
sheathing it you can notice marks on the blade.
With the bayonet fixed on the rifle, you can shoot
MSBS/GROT despite what chairborne experts say.
Video for proof is attached. Nothing blocks anything,
nothing falls off and you hit where you aim.
Fixing to the rifle is firm and stable. Our ripped
friend, Chris "Captain America" (6' 3" and 220 lbs
of muscles) was using it as it is supposed to be
used: stabbing pile of tires with full strength. He
didn't manage to damage the knife, he only knocked
over those tires and I bet that if Chris stab enemy
with same energy he will just put bayonet up to the
rifle's flash hider.
Well, it's good but not perfect. In my opinion bayonet
needs some changes, but in comparison to 6H4 it is
like Ferrari next to some old Ford.