Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #44

Frag Out! Magazine

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Page 101 of 115 Sport and tactical shooting became a big thing here in Poland. To an- swer to the huge demand for the firearms, distributors flooded the market with AR-15 style rifles and its derivatives. AR's are everywhere. They are simple and intuitive to use, lightweight, accurate and reliable. They are also an excellent platform for upgrades and modifications. There are multiple companies ma- nufacturing parts and accessories for pimping your gun! Most of the top brands are being run by former US military or law enfor- cement veterans. The reason behi- nd that is simple: they are the most experienced end-users, solving the problems and inventing parts and accessories. They are well-thought out and well-made hence they are showing the direction. Nowadays, we live in a global village, buying anything online has never been so simple. Almost everything is widely available. Almost. Let's imagine a si- tuation where you want to buy a ma- gwell. But aluminum, not polymer one, robust, not for 200+ bucks and you don't want to wait three months for it. What are your options now? Sometime ago the answer could be simple: none. While it would seem that this is a necessity item for the sport and tactical shooter and there should be a choice of them on store shelves, due to both customs and shipping costs from the US, acces- sories are neither the cheapest nor widely available. The mentioned situation about the need to buy a magwell happened in real life. And as it happens with pe- ople of action - first there is a need, then irritation, looking for ready-ma- de solutions, and if there are none - the decision is made - okay, if there are none, we will do it ourselves. And so, in a nutshell, TC GEAR was founded. In a nutshell, of course, because we quickly found out why no one had previously taken up the idea. After all, we have no shortage of former SOF operators who know what shooters need, no shortage of designers or good craftsmen and manufacturers who could make such gun accessories. However, it quickly became apparent (well, may- be not so quickly, because by the 12th or so prototype) that designing even the smallest item requires a tremendous amount of work, expe- rience, apothecary's detail and mon- ths (or years) of trials and tests. When we realized this - instead of abandoning this crazy idea about creating a company based on the experience of former operators of Polish SOF, focusing on quality workmanship and producing every- thing by the best Polish companies - we decided to add a slogan to the name of TC GEAR - "The Devil is in the Details" - and not give up. This is the way each of our products was developed. From the needs and often painful lessons learned on the THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS, OR HOW TC GEAR - POLAND'S FIRST MANUFACTURER OF TACTICAL ACCESSORIES BASED ON THE COMBAT EXPERIENCE OF VETERANS FROM POLISH SPECIAL UNITS - CAME TO BE.

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