Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #44

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has been one of the key components of the process aimed at creating the new UAF. Guard units disappeared, and no more references are made to the former Red Army units' heritage - as the individual Ukrainian brigades used to point to them as their roots. Instead, the Ukrainian Mini- stry of Defense assembled a team of histo- rians and artists who teamed up to create new names, symbols, and uniforms for the UAF. Each brigade, apart from the number, also received a patron name, referring to important historical figures or events. Si- gnage and flags of those brigades received proper symbols, referring to the patrons. The very same process took into account the patches, badges, or any other symbols utilized by the modern Ukrainian Armed Forces. All symbols are a result of careful consideration and have a set of specific re- ferences behind them, based on Ukrainian history and heritage. The new Armed For- ces quickly adopted and seemed to enjoy that new identity. The society also adop- ted the redefined symbols with a great deal of enthusiasm. Terms like „Kholodnyi Yar", „Royal Infantry", or „Iron Armored", referring to the individual units of the Ar- med Forces, quickly replaced the former Soviet names that no longer had a solid foundation beneath them. Without evoking any emotion, the Soviet naming system could have been used solely to marginalize the old Ukrainian military, referring to the period before the year 2014. I think that this reform plays a huge, important role when it comes to the morale and resilience of these Armed Forces when exposed to Russian culture and propaganda. It is often underestimated by both the Western, as well as the Ukrainian analysts. Summary The Ukrainian military of the 2014-2015 period can be referred to as the „Tran- sitional Period Army". These Armed For- ces were born through a baptism of fire between 2014 and 2015, and they fully were a byproduct of the war. It was be- ing built based on economic, political, and social conditions omnipresent in Ukraine during that period. These Armed Forces, despite numerous disadvantages that they had, have done more than was expected of them. It is difficult to think that the Ukra- inians were building their military (given the limited capabilities at hand, compared to the adversary) with the intent to stop a full-scale Russian attack. However, it seems that the Armed Forces stood up to that task. The Transitional Armed Forces completed that task - but looking at their current shape, these Armed Forces have been long gone now. This is because the UAF today differs from the „Transitional Period Army" in the same way, as the 2014-2015 period military differed from the reformed Armed Forces. The new war is bringing new challenges and an entirely new set of experiences. The newly defined political landscape, following the current active phase of the conflict with Russia, will probably entail radical changes in the

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