ins a lot of momentum and reaches
the desired objectives - as I, the
author of this article, am also so-
mewhat involved in the effort. Most
importantly, however, a strong call
for changes is evident, with decla-
rations that these changes must
be implemented being made by the
MoD's leadership and the General
Staff. Money has also, reportedly,
been secured. It must be done. Now
or never. Especially when facing the
reality of the events unfolding in the
The leadership at the Polish MOD,
and the General Staff treat the "Ope-
ration KIT" initiative as an opportu-
nity to score a major success and a
major PR success at the same time.
I am not referring to media coverage
but to buzz propaganda, or whisper
propaganda, namely voices in social
media or other communications, co-
ming straight from the users. Those
who complain now, use numerous
swear words and less-than-ap-
propriate language. If those guys
receive high-quality equipment that
also constitutes a generational leap,
there is a good chance that rumors
will simply spread. And this will just
be an added value for those respon-
sible for command and control.
Either way, the main objective is to
end the omnipresent rubbish, half-
-measures, replacements, and other
low-quality shit. The soldiers should
be given decent gear, that will place
them in a position in which there
would be no need to buy the stuff
himself, and in which he would not
be ashamed when engaging in joint
training with the allies.