Frag Out! Magazine

Frag Out! Magazine #39

Frag Out! Magazine

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And so it is with CHAS™, or Carbon Holster Adapter System. Under this mysterious name comes a designed and built in Poland, a highly modular holster attachment platform for Safariland QLS compa- tible holsters with three hole moun- ting systems. Since the beginning of my journey with "tactical/practical" shooting I have been using Safariland hol- sters. I started with the ALS equip- ped thigh holsters with a large thigh panel with two straps, then I moved to UBL mid-ride panels. I've decided to get one with a medium drop, put the QLS on it and added the strap below for increased stability… And it worked quite nicely. Until now. At a certain point in my shooting skills development, I noticed that something was wrong with this kit… Specifically, it was the positioning of the hand drawing the gun and the angle of the wrist bend that began to bother me. Wiser than me, my colleagues suggested that I take a look at the NCP (Negative Cant Pla- te) which I bought, installed and was delighted. And such an NCP-upgra- de set I used for about a year and a half. And then, all of the sudden, Daniel from Ginger's Tactical Gear showed up with his latest develop- ment – the CHAS™. He offered to give me such a kit to play with, and I, being a gear queer, readily agreed. And so, for the past dozen weeks or so, I've been using a GTG CHAS plat- form for my Safariland CHAS TM – WTF? The CHAS™ is a highly modular fully ambidextrous holster platform made mostly of CNC'd carbon fiber and thermopla- stics. It was designed to eliminate the biggest drawback of Safariland hol- sters, namely the reduced range of cant. In fact, the holster itself and the panel for it (e.g., the UBL) give exactly no adjustability, and these only appe- ar after the installation of the QLS, but even so to a very limited extent, and boil down only to the ability to cant the holster by a few degrees. Of course, you can also adjust the hol- ster's seating height, but this is done by.... changing the whole UBL panel (low, medium and high). The situ- ation is improved by buying an NCP, but this is another item and another expense (not a small one). CHAS™ eliminates these, as it of- fers the user a very large range of ad- justment both in terms of the height of adapter on the belt, the height of EQUIPMENT

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